Thursday 30 January 2014

Nature Mixed Media

To continue with this idea of repetition and pattern in nature I pushed further into collage and mixed media.

If you made the world 2D and took out all the lines you would be looking at a big mix of colours, so I started with this.

The next stage was to add the lines I wanted so using a scalpel I cut out the desired shape that resembled leaves but could also be feathers or petals. I kept the cut out skeleton that was left behind because of the interesting shape it came where the lines where coloured and the negative space became the object. 
I repeated the process again with a more muddy coloring and gave the cut out pieces a more even petal shape.

I combined all of the cut outs I did including another one where I repeated the process for making the fish scales. This was a great experiment for me as I rarely use collage and mixed media and as I result I have found new ways of adding new dimensions to my illustrations.
This final mix media experiment was inspired by the spirals in a snail shell, and using a mathematical set of numbers called the Fibonacci sequence where the following in the sequence is a result of the sum of the two perquisite numbers e.g 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13... the sizes of the spirals stay proportionate. I filled the spirals with parts torn from magazines.

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