Thursday 30 January 2014

A2 Drawings

Drawing is effectively just making lots of marks until you've created something. The question is which marks do you make and why. These are some drawings I made using charcoal and pencil.

In this picture I represented nature through mark making. How do you perceive nature? For me it is free flowing, quick random marks, swoops and swirls, swishes and slashes nothing straight and rigid.

I took an item from my assemblage project, the sling shot and did two pictures trying to represent it  though to different contexts, the first being childhood. The end picture is the one bellow.
Young Children use scribbles, strong marks, bold with more of an emphasis on the main features as oppose to details.
Here I tried to connect the picture to nature, the item is made of wood so I gave it roots at the bottom. The handle of the sling shot still has that trunk like shape which is why I made the connection to a tree.
The next challenge was to do a drawing as detailed as you could, measuring with a ruler and scaling up to get the size accurate as possible. next we had to find a object that related to our original one, I chose bark.

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