Thursday 30 January 2014

Box Art and Assemblage

The First project that we started for Art Foundation was the Assemblage project where by we had to fill a box with items that had significan value to us, memory triggers, things that gave us nostalgic flash backs. For the purpose of this I decided to make my own using materials at home, partly because I didn't have a good enough box but also because the act of making things with odds and ends is something I did a lot when I was younger. Wether that be tree houses, barricades or other amusements, the act helped me to connect with the past. The items I filled the box with where photos from a holiday in spain, youth football team and my Army Cadet Force detachment about 4- 5 years ago. Hanging a bag containing a rosary, im not religious but my uncle brought it back from Brazil when he was on a retreat while he had cancer, he is still alive and when ever I see it I remember all the times he visited as I was growing up. The wooden object is a sling shot without the sling and elastic (it broke) but this is another link to my child hood and what I used to get up to. The poppy, I made when I was 7 at school during remembrance, I dedicated it to my grandfather who served in WW2. He died when I was 5 or 6 so this is a trigger for some of my earliest memories and moments I shared with him. I wear glasses so they where something I had to include as the are part of my identity and are a vesel that I use to see the world. The rank slide shows the final rank that I achieved in the ACF, when I look at this I remember all that I have achieved from when I joined in 2008 and left in 2013, every thing I learned and the friends that I made as well as the person that it made me. The ps2 memory card still holds memory of games I played when I was younger from about 10 years ago, I have a great love for gaming and the worlds it allows you to explore as the people that you meet and play with around the world online. This is also for me a representation of how things evolve, technology and experiences both virtual and real, communities around the world becoming one who in the past where at war, enslaved, persecuted and isolated because technology doesn't discriminate. 

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