Wednesday 30 January 2013

Creating my outcome

These are the initial stages that I went through when in creating the imagery for my poster and in trying to come up with ideas. This contains random drawings of pictures I have found and developments into my own images.

To help to brainstorm ideas and get a feel for the style of artwork that I will be using, I drew some of that pictures that I had previously obtained like some of the work of Keith haring, Blek le rat and Finn from adventure time. I drew the head of the ape from the Deep Medi music record label and the image second form the right as I will be using a cartoon art style initially to develop from. In the bottom right corner I tried to create a panda head emblem in the style of the deadmau5 head.

These images show the development of the emblem which will be a panda head that I will use on my poster. some of these images where inspired by others that I had seen like the right most two on the bottom row which where inspired by the ape from the Deep Medi music label. Others where random images of pandas in a street art style that I have made slight adaptations to so that tthey suit my purpose better.
This is the final version that I have decided to go for . The other images where for inspiration and I decided that I didn't want the image to be too cartoon like. Gas masks are quite a commonly used its in street art as they symbolise the idea of a rundown, hazardous, urban environment. Bellow is also a style of typography that I will use on my poster, with a fractured, distorted almost digital theme.
On this page I started to plan the dimensions of the type face that I was going to use that would run down the right hand side of the poster. I measured the side of the A2 sheet and created rectangles that decided the space I would use into eight sections, one section for each character. For this style I removed all of the curves only using straight lines. I introduced diagonal lines to that the design doesn't appear to rigid and vertical when the viewers eyes run down the page and spell out the word.
Because of the number of letters that the word contains they ha to be made smaller vertically to fit into the space and to keep the letters in proportion this also meant making them smaller horizontally leaving a lot of white space. To fix this I filled in the rest of the space with jagged broken shapes that fitted to the space that surrounded the lettering.

I wanted the lettering to be a different colour to the shapes that surrounded them this proved a difficult and painstakingly long task. As you can see in the  picture to the left, there are black splurges of paint from where I had to continually move and cover the surrounding shapes, paper and lettering to separate the colours. To eliminate this I sprayed the design onto another piece of A2 and the cut out the lettering so that I had as stencil for the lettering as well, then all I would have to do was line up the words after spraying on the first stencil and spray over those in black.
Here I have used the style that I documented earlier which say dub instead of get. This would then form the Phrase "Get Immersed"
This will be the emblem for the poster or the main image that will be associated with the event which is a panda wearing headphones and a gas mask.

This was a practice run through that I did to make sure that the images lined up and that the stencil would work but also to test any possible experiments an effects that could be created. For example the get lettering where I spray painted the pink first and then the black over the top to get a 3D effect. I also like the smokey effect on the emblem that I created as it gives a more hazardous, rougher look.

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