Monday 3 December 2012

Ideas Sheets

Bellow are three ideas sheets that I have filled out in order to brainstorm a variety of ideas and explore different possibilities of techniques, target markets, themes and outcomes that I could create.

This ideas sheet was focused on the idea of creating a shop front/ products owned by my record label in the previous project. Things like t-shirts and packaging. The obvious style of shop would be a record shop but of course it could be used for gig organised by the record label them selves to display new talent, artists and sample people reaction to new music. 

The Ministry of sound is a music production company swell as a popular night club, so, another idea was to create a club associated with the genre and the record label. If I engaged in this project I would create an event that was going to occur in the club and there for promote the event with posters, leaflets, design tickets, wrist bands, special offers, possible prizes and goodies to be given away on the night.

For my project I have decided to go for the festival brief because I personally think the theme is better and the idea of creating a music festival with multiple genres of music is more interesting this will also allow me to create a better range of outcomes with a variety of elements that I can derive from the different genres and incorporate into my work.

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