Wednesday 4 January 2012

Packaging net and surface designs.

This is the design for a net that I have gone with it simple in design meaning that it will be easy to use. there is a fastening at the top in which a little flap folds down into a grove.
This is a surface design that I created by doodling using U.V pen and light and took a photo of. I had to change the contrast, light and hight light some of the areas because photographing in the dark was a challenge.

Here is an example of what it would look like on a net.

This surface design was created using strips of images from a magazine and sticking them together.

I created a repeating pattern in illustrator to fill a net with the image.

This is my favourite as it was created by: scrunching up a piece of paper dipping it in tea, drying it, burning it and finally dipping it in ink. I photographed the image and edited it in photoshop, highlighting the edges and cracks formed by the process in a neon blue. I also think that this is the most successful because it has undergone a lot of process and has used a variety of skills and I like how the combination of both hand made techniques and computer based one can produce an out comes that suits my needs.

This is the image placed onto a net.

This is a collection of my games that I arranged, photographed, and then edited on photoshop.

I then placed it onto a net.

This is a hand created surface design for my net. I printed out the and then doodled over it with the first things that came to my head. 

Here I have gone for a more retro design by first, drawing on my logos and then filling the rest of the net with coloured blocks that are pixels giving it a kind of tetris feel.
This is what my final net Will be. I have put my symbol and my logo on the front. I used repetition o my logo on the back and on the front, an elongated version.

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