Thursday 14 February 2013

Raphael Vicenzi in-depth analysis.

Raphael Vicenzi is a self taught illustrator who lives in Brussels, Belgium. His work is heavily influenced by the beauty and the fashion industry as well as street art and graffiti and into his mixed media style he incorporates soft and delicate lines with with some dark colours and strong outlines. He also uses mixed digital media, painting and water colours with textures to express his ideas and emotions.

(Link) Here are two typical pieces of Raphael Vicenzi work and two that I particularly like and find relevant to my idea for a final piece. They are a jam packed explosion of colour, imagery and typography where each part seems to be interlinked in the same way that the worlds that Alice explores on her adventures live and breathe as one. The bright colours are a true visual representation of a persons imagination, full of energy and of course Raphael's work is his imagination on paper. He does this by bundling what may seem like completely unrelated images like phones and birds in the picture on the left or in the picture on the right mushrooms and donkeys which on the surface doesn't make sense but in the head of the artist they do. In the same way that when we daydream, we too will have thoughts that to us make sense but to others don't and it is this concept I will take into account when developing my idea because the world that Lewis Carroll has many elements which appear insane but in his imagination may have been normal.

(Link) Wonderland and through the looking glass contain sinister undertones. Characters like the Queen of Hearts and the Mad-hatter especially, display schizophrenic and sociopathic behaviour. Alice, a child, is traveling through an unknown land with strange creatures, people and a warped, dreamscape eco-system are the sort of thing you may experience in a nightmare or the delusions of a mad person. For that reason I chose these images, the one on the right because it is of a young woman/ girl who is close to the common interpretation of what Alice looks like in terms of the body profile. Long hair, slim and elegant and confidant in posture. I took the picture on the left because the is similar the the idea of my composition. Alice in black and white and the world of wonderland in colour but appearing to break out from her head as if escaping her mind.

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